Just a line to plug the new movie "indoctriNation", which is an expose on the NEA and the root of our American religion known as Public Education.
Not since Sam Blumenthal's work on the NEA, "Trojan Horse", has there been such an opportunity to expose the lie of Secular education. Puuullleeezze, check it out!
There is a link to the website on the left side of this page which will help you get involved in this effort to wake up those who claim Christ's name, yet still send there children to the prophets of Baal for their world-view training.
#1 issue for the Christian family today. Get your children OUT of public education and into daily family worship.
The first step is the hardest for those stuck on the paps of the American system, but it is worth it! You CAN educate your children better than anyone else. You have everything you need.
"Seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you."
~ Jesus Christ
I hope more folks jump on this band wagon soon.
This journal is concerned with encouraging holiness of life in my children and grand-children. Primarily, it is written for their spiritual edification and instruction. To them, it is directed as a survey of the most pressing needs and overlooked sins in our day, as a Church. To others who may stumble past our little window, we welcome you to enter and warm yourself by the fireside, and take some nourishment with us before you continue on your journey. It is indeed, one of our most blessed priviliges, to open our hearts and our home circle to others we meet. We pray you are encouraged to gird yourself with the warm coat of sobriety, holiness, and love as you resume your journey.
The Pilgrim Pundit
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